LDSIG Texas Express 2023
Wednesday Layout Tour
Wednesday Layout Tour
The LDSIG is looking forward to welcoming our members to Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas for the 2023 NMRA National convention.
The LDSIG Wednesday Layout Tour is open to all Convention Attendees. The Tour includes a specially designed shirt customized for the Texas Express Convention. Tickets for the tour will be available through the Convention registration page or the tour desk at the convention. To sign up for the tour and get your LDSIG Texas Express polo shirt follow the link below.
In the past, these tours have served to highlight some of the more innovative layouts being constructed in the host city and this year will be no exception.
Below is a map with the approximate locations of the tour layouts. A detailed handout of the layout locations will be provided Wednesday morning at the LDSIG General Membership Meeting in the SIG Room to those who have signed up for the Wednesday layout tour.
Key to Map locations:
Click on the owner’s name or railroad for more information or click on the links in the left column of the page.
1 Art Cunningham-Sierra Lines Railroad
2 Jerry Hoverson(MMR) Rocky Mountain Central (HO) & Colorado Pacific (HOn3)
3 Lee Bangma (MMR)'s Chinook Southern (HO) /Poudre Valley (HOn3) Railroads
4 James Peterson’s Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway, Dallas District
6 David Dinsmore’s Potomac Valley Lines HO scale
7 Michael Hass’ Westbrooke Parkway ll HO Scale
9 Dean Ferris' Oregon Joint Line Railroad
10 David Grein’s Iroquois River Railroad
11 Chris Atkins’ The Sheridan and Everywhere West
12 Gary Ray's Southern Pacific Layout
13 Mike Mackey (MMR)'s Texas & St. Louis Model Railroad HO/HOn3 Scale
14 Leo and Lorrie Palitti’s Black Bear and Bayou Railroad HO & HOn3
15 Greg McComas’ Michigan Interstate St. Clair Subdivision
16 Tim Blackwell’s Whitehurst & Pine Ridge Railroad & Northwest Tarrant & Pacific
17 Mike Armstrong's Rock Island Railroad Mid-Continent Route HO Scale
18 Olaf Melhouse’s Dakota Northern Model Railroad
19 Harold Berenzweig's Front Range and Santa Fe Railroad
20 Texas Western Model RR Club
More will be listed in the coming days
* Start time = Maps will be distributed at the conclusion of the LDSIG Business meeting on Wednesday morning
How to Sign Up for the Wednesday Layout Tour
Come join us on the premier annual layout tour sponsored by the LDSIG. We currently have 20 layouts on this year’s tour. For a list of the layouts including a general map and links to individual pages, as well as carpool sign-up information please click here. The LDSIG Layout Tour includes a commemorative Polo shirt.
Carpooling is strongly encouraged so you can discuss the unique features of these layouts as you travel. All members of a carpool must register for the Tour. Sign-ups for carpools will be posted in the SIG room.
The tour cost includes a Polo shirt which will act as your ticket.
Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XXL 4XL
Monogram (12 Characters max) Monograms will be available to those purchasing an LDSIG Layout Tour ticket by July 23, 2023.
Cost: $50
The Tour is recommended to LDSIG and OPSIG members and is open to all convention attendees (Purchase your tickets through the convention registration site, or at the Convention Tour Desk).
We will again provide the traditional self-guided LDSIG Layout Tour on Wednesday. Pick up your map and location data in the San Saba 2 room after the LDSIG Annual Meeting (Wednesday, August 23rd approximately 8:45, do not be late to pick these up or arrange carpools.
To sign up for the Layout tour follow the following link:
Wear your 2023 LDSIG Layout Tour shirt so layout owners will know you are participating in the LDIG Layout Tour. The shirt serves as your admission to the layouts.